Ready to see how your sales organization compares?

Include Your Salespeople for FREE

Ready to compare your salespeople to the other salespeople we have assessed, and/or the salespeople in your industry?

Include your salespeople in the data, FOR FREE!

Here's how it works... Simply provide some basic contact information, and we'll give you a link to provide to the salespeople in your organization. After they have completed our assessment, follow the results link to view how your salespeople scored in each of the 21 Core Competencies.

Assess Your Salespeople FOR FREE  

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Explore and Compare Statistics on our 21 Sales Core Competencies

Selling Competencies

Sales Core Competency 1

The Hunting Competency

A salesperson’s capabilities for prospecting

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

12 Competency Components

Sales Core Competency 2

The Reaching Decision-makers Competency

A salesperson's ability to meet with the actual decision maker and what, if anything, could interfere with that.

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

7 Competency Components

Sales Core Competency 3

The Relationship Building Competency

6 Competency Components

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

Sales Core Competency 4

The Consultative Selling Competency

A salesperson’s ability to take a consultative approach to a sales opportunity and uncover the compelling reasons to buy

The Consultative Selling Competency
All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

9 Competency Components

Sales Core Competency 5

The Selling Value Competency

A salesperson’s ability to quantify the opportunity and be the value rather than sell on price

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

12 Competency Components

Sales Core Competency 6

The Qualifying Competency

A salesperson’s ability to thoroughly qualify an opportunity

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

10 Competency Components

Sales Core Competency 7

The Presentation Approach Competency

A salesperson’s ability to present the right content, to the right people at the appropriate point in time

9 Competency Components

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

Sales Core Competency 8

The Closing Competency

A salesperson’s ability to get business closed on a timely basis

9 Competency Components

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

Sales Core Competency 9

The Sales Process Competency

A salesperson’s ability to follow a staged, milestone-centric sales process

9 Competency Components

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

Sales Core Competency 10

The Sales Technology Competency

22 Competency Components

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

A salesperson's ability to leverage CRM, Social Selling, and Video Proficiency for sales success.

Explore and Compare Statistics on our 21 Sales Core Competencies

Sales DNA

Sales Core Competency 11

Doesn't Need Approval

When a salesperson needs to be liked it prevents him/her from asking questions, pushing back and challenging conventional thinking

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

Sales Core Competency 12

Stays in the Moment

A salesperson must be able to stay in the moment, not in their head, in order to use active listening skills

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company
Stays in the Moment

Sales Core Competency 13

Supportive Beliefs

A salesperson’s collection of sales beliefs that support, rather than sabotage ideal sales outcomes

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

Sales Core Competency 14

Supportive Buy Cycle

A salesperson has a supportive buy cycle when the way he/she makes a major purchase supports ideal sales outcomes

Supportive Buy Cycle
All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

Sales Core Competency 15

Comfortable Discussing Money

A salesperson must be able to have an in-depth conversation with prospects about finances

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company
Comfortable Discussing Money

Sales Core Competency 16

Handles Rejection

A salesperson who is rejection proof is able to recover immediately from rejection

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company
Handles Rejection

Explore and Compare Statistics on our 21 Sales Core Competencies

The Will to Sell

Sales Core Competency 17

Desire for Success in Sales

How badly a salesperson wants to achieve greater sales success

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

Sales Core Competency 18

Commitment for Success in Sales

Salesperson’s willingness do whatever it takes to achieve greater sales success

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company
Commitment for Success in Sales

Sales Core Competency 19


All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

How a salesperson feels about him/herself and his/her career in sales

Sales Core Competency 20


The degree to which a salesperson takes responsibility for results instead of rationalizing or making excuses

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company

Sales Core Competency 21


How motivated a salesperson is to achieve sales success

All Salespeople Your Industry Your Company
OMG analyzes not only the overall motivation level, but also the balance between intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation. We also provide insights into a number of sales-related motivational tendencies to help managers best motivate their salespeople.

Tell Us About Your Industry

We'll show you how salespeople from your industry score

Select a sector from a list

  • 11- Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
  • 21- Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
  • 22- Utilities
  • 23- Construction
  • 31-33- Manufacturing
  • 42- Wholesale Trade
  • 44-45- Retail Trade
  • 48-49- Transportation and Warehousing
  • 51- Information
  • 52- Finance and Insurance
  • 53- Real Estate and Rental and Leasing
  • 54- Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • 55- Management of Companies and Enterprises
  • 56- Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services
  • 61- Educational Services
  • 62- Health Care and Social Assistance
  • 71- Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
  • 72- Accommodation and Food Services
  • 81- Other Services (except Public Administration)
  • 92- Public Administration

Search for a sector by keyword

Need help finding your industry? Type a search term in the box above, wait for the suggestions to appear, then click the best match. We'll then automatically select the corresponding broader industry from the list to the left.

Objective Management Group (OMG) is the leading provider of SALES TEAM ANALYSES, SALESPERSON EVALUATIONS, And SALES CANDIDATE ASSESSMENTS. Established in 1990, OMG assesses over 75,000 salespeople, sales managers, and sales leaders annually. OMG serves companies of all sizes, from more than 200 industries, from 52 countries, through its network of OMG Partners.

Explore Our Findings Assess Your Salespeople for FREE  

OMG provides growing companies with the timeliest and most accurate insights for growing sales, profits and market share. We look at your people, strategies and systems and can tell you whether your people can actually execute the company’s strategies, meet your expectations and belong in the roles they are in. You’ll learn which of your existing salespeople could be performing two, three or even four times better. You’ll discover what you must do in order to help those people achieve their potential. You’ll understand which of your people won’t ever perform any better than they do right now and why. We analyze your pipeline for quality and quantity and report on the effectiveness of sales management. Where do you want to go?

Explore Our Findings Assess Your Salespeople for FREE  

Easy to Use

OMG's Sales Evaluation is designed to be easy to use for both you and your employees. Simply tell us about your company, and we'll give you a unique link to provide to salespeople. Each employee completes an online questionnaire, and then you receive a PDF with the assessment results by email. Simple!


We don’t believe one size fits all. OMG’s products are designed for sales reps, sales management, and sales leadership. Clients can configure our tests for inside roles, territory and vertical-based sales, account management, channel sales, national accounts, major accounts, hunting roles, farming roles and telesales.


Our assessments were designed from the ground up for salespeople, not adapted from personality assessments. No other assessment goes as wide and deep on sales as OMG.

More Than Just Salespeople

OMG also offers evaluations for your Sales Managers and Sales Leaders which provide unique insights more tailored to individuals in those roles. We can also provide a detailed analysis of your sales organization as a whole, including individuals at all levels of the sales organization.

Unique Insights

Our Findings

The Will to Sell

Learn whether your salespeople have the Desire and Commitment it takes to be successful in sales. Also discover insights into their Outlook, whether they Enjoy Selling, how Motivated they are, and whether they are Extrinsically or Intrinsically Motivated.


Our Opportunity analysis estimates the net increase in sales that could be realized by improving a salesperson's strengths and skills.

Sales DNA

Sales DNA is at the core of salespeople, and explains whether they have strengths that will support desirable outcomes or weaknesses that will sabotage those outcomes.


OMG's competencies give detailed insight into the skills and strengths that a salesperson possesses. Some of the competencies we measure include Hunting, Consultative Selling, Qualifying, Closing, Selling Value, and Account Manager.


OMG's development findings include whether a candidate has the Will to Sell to improve, whether a candidate is Coachable, and a candidate's Figure-It-Out-Factor™ (i.e. how quickly they can come up to speed).

Sales Percentile

OMG's Sales Percentile finding is the single best measure of how strong a salesperson's skills are.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the online questionnaire take to complete?

We recommend allowing about 60 minutes to complete our online questionnaire.

Why are you providing a free assessment?

We're confident that after you Assess Your Salespeople for FREE, you'll want to order our full evaluation document to get more insights about each individual.

More questions

Have more questions? Send us an email at support@objectivemanagement.com.

Questions or Concerns?

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